Weather in Cabo San Lucas

Because of the topography of the land and the extremes in latitude, Mexico has a wide array of climatic conditions which can occur in within very short distances. The weather in Cabo San Lucas Mexico varies from tropical and wet to temperate and dry, depending on the region and again, on the elevation. More than half of Mexico lies south of the Tropic of Cancer. The costal plains are hot and humid with heavy rainfall. The North is dry, with extremes of temperature while the region around Mexico city has a pleasant, temperate climate.

Cabo San Lucas lies within the tropics where temperature variations from season to season are small, often less than 10 degrees (F) between the warmest and coldest months of the year. Few other countries have so wide a variety of landscapes and weather variances as does Mexico. Towering mountains and high, rolling plateaus cover more than two-thirds of Mexico. The weather, the land formation and the plant life in these rugged highlands may vary greatly within a short distance. Keep in mind while you set off on excursions, Mexico also has tropical forests, dry deserts and fertile valleys. Temperatures usually fall as elevation increases. Most of Cabo San Lucas Mexico receives inadequate rainfall, with the exception of the coastal areas and parts of the central region.

Mexico has six main land regions. Within these regions are many smaller areas that differ greatly in weather, altitude, landforms and plant life.

The Plateau of Mexico: by far the largest of the land regions covering most of the interior of the country. It also boasts the most varied landscape. Within this region is: the Mesa Central: also referred to as the Central Plateau is the heart of Mexico. Situated at 7,000 feet above sea level, this highland area receives enough rain to produce crops. The Volcanic Axis: this area marks the southern edge of the Plateau of Mexico. This chain of volcanoes includes Orizaba which is also Mexico’s highest point at 18, 701 feet.

The Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental: these are series of mountain ranges, steep and rugged. The Mes a del Norte: also called Northern Plateau, stretches from the Mesa Central to the United States. Since it extends north and east, the altitude drops from 9,000 feet to 4,000 feet. Also found here are the richest silver deposits in the world.

The five other main regions of Mexico lie along the coasts. The Pacific Northwest is generally dry. The Peninsula of Baja California is mostly rolling or mountainous desert. Fertile river valleys lie along the mainland coast of the Gulf of California. In the southern, tropital half of Mexico, altitude has created three main weather zones. The tierra caliente (hot land) which rises up to 6,000 feet has mild to warm temperatures. In the tierra fria (cold land) which lies above the tierra templada, the highest peaks are always snow covered. In tropical Mexico, short but quite heavy afternoon rains are common in summer.

Month High Low
January 72 – 79 60 – 65
February 72 – 75 60 – 65
March 74 – 77 60 – 65
April 79 – 84 63 – 67
May 80 – 85 65 – 70
June 80 – 85 67 – 72
July 87 – 92 73 – 79
August 90 – 95 74 – 80
September 90 – 95 76 – 80
October 85 – 91 74 – 79
November 80 – 85 60 -70
December 73 – 80 60 – 70

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